Course curriculum

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    • Your Body Is a Reflection of Your Business

    • Choose Easy - Progress Over Perfection

    • Addition Not Subtraction

    • Who Do You Have to Become?

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    • Why Sleep

    • Blue Light Blocking Glasses

    • Join the Bed By 10 Club

    • Optimizing Devices: Night Shift

    • Android: Night Mode

    • Supplements for Sleep (Melatonin, ZMA, Etc.)

    • Cold Shower Before Bed

    • Sleep Hack: Exercise

    • Sleep Hack: Weighted Blankets

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    • Get Some Vitamin G

    • Jason's Weird Theory About Trees

    • Grounding Indoors

    • Unexpected Ways to Ground

    • My Favorite Footwear

    • Order Earth Runners

    • Additional Earthing Resources - Youtube Playlist

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    • Why Water

    • Why I Drink Distilled Water

    • Get a Water Distiller

    • Awaken Your Natural Thirst

    • 30-Day Gallon Challenge

    • 30-Day Gallon Challenge - Water Tracking Sheet